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README file from "rap" directory

           Roland RAP-10 Music Card Device Driver for Eisa Bus              
    This directory contains a sample device driver for IRIX 5.2 EISA bus.
    In particular, this device driver is used to demonstrate:
	- Writing a character device driver for EISA bus.
	- How to obtain an Interrupt number (IRQ)
	- How to allocate and program EISA DMA chipsets. 
	- How to program Eisa Dma channels for hardware recognition.
	- How to use EISA Dma chips to move data from/to a device.
	- How to manage and use a circular buffers between kernel and
	  user's read/write calls.
	- and many more ..
    Driver Installation:
	  You should have the following files:

	  rap.c:    The driver source code.
	  rap.h:    The driver's header file.
	  record.c: The program to records a song.
	  play.c:   The program to Play a previously recorded song.
	  rapMap.c: Sample program to use mmap() to access the card.
	  Makefile: The 'make' file to compile everything.

	  It is better to make a sub-directory for these files and 
	  copy them there. 
 	  Copy your current unix to a safe place (ie. cp /unix /usr/unix.orig)
 	  and compile the programs by typing:
 		make all 

	  Select an unused major number to assign for Rap card (refer
	  to your sys/major.h file). Once you have an unused major number,
	  (assuming the number you have is <major>) do the following to
	  install the driver: 

 	     Login as root and do:
             mknod /dev/rap c <major> 0
             cp rap.o /var/sysgen/boot    
             cp rap.master /var/sysgen/master.d 
             cp  /var/sysgen/system
             autoconfig -f -v
 	  If you do not have /var/sysgen, then try /usr/var/sysgen directory.

    Recording and Playback of a song
	Connect a CD player to the Mic/Line connector using a standard
	RCA connectors as follow: You need two cables, each with one 
	RCA male connectors in one end and one RCA male connector on
	another end. Use two RCA male-to-male connectros to connect
	the two-connector ends of the cable together. Now, connect one
	single-connector to Mic/Line of the Rap-10 board and another
	one to the Headphone of the CD player. Start the CD (either
	through the start button on CD player or from a separate
	CD player program) and type "record <file_name>", where 
	<file_name> is the name of the file in which the song will be
	recorded. You can stop the recording by entering a Ctrl-C at
	any time. You can hear the song while it is being recorded
	by connecting a headphone to the Out connector of the Rap-10

	To play back, connect a headphone to Out connector of the 
	Rap-10 card. Then enter "play <file_name>".

    Roland RAP-10 Technical Reference and Programmer's Guide, Ver. 1.1
    IRIX Device Driver Programming Guide
    IRIX Device Driver Reference Pages.
    Intel 82357 Preliminary Reference, Section: 3.7.8 Mode Register (pp: 223)
 	Copyright 1994, Silicon Graphics Inc., Mountain View, CA.           

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Copyright © 1995, Silicon Graphics, Inc.